40% of babies born have reflux

Exhausted, sleepless, lonely, doubting your parenting abilities and every decision you have made regarding your baby. Asking yourself if all babies are like this and wether it is your fault.

Despite what people might tell you, it is not meant to be this hard. And it is definitely not your fault. Yes babies have reflux, it is common but it is NOT NORMAL.

Something is going on with your baby, you are right to know it in your gut and no you do not have to wait for your baby to grow out of it. Baby Reflux is common but it is NOT NORMAL. And there is something we can do about it.

Lets work together and finally get both you and your baby feeling better. Whether your a first time mother, a fourth time mother, a working mother, a breastfeeding mother, or a formula feeding mother. I am here to help and we will get to the cause of your baby’s discomfort and finally get you that family life you have been dreaming of.